The old saying "You never stop learning" rings true even more-so today than ever. With technology evolving at an exponential rate, it can be hard to keep up! What a lot of people don't know is that this happens in everything, from cooking to cleaning and even in fitness. My son, if I haven't said it before, is a personal trainer and he is always teaching me something new. I am not new to the world of exercise and training, but there are advancements on the tools used by athletes to get stronger, better and more "zoned" in on obtaining results.
I remember watching Rocky 4 years ago and seeing how Ivan Drago trained vs how Rocky trained. Seeing this years ago made me think "Wow machines that can help you train cool!!!". Today we see exercise bikes that have screens that interact with the rider as if you were in a live class. Training machines that help you throw a better curveball, or how to tackle a certain part of the Tour de France. Weight training, as basic as it is can be, can get just as complex with devices that track your gains and recommend what you should do next time. Watch your form and correct you so you don't hurt yourself. A virtual personal tainer if you will. With all that there is a cost and most people dont have the resources to pour into those advancements.
Lucky for me, I have just enough to get what I need to push harder each day and see the gains I am making, even though I am not investing in high tech stuff (The low tech iron weights and other gear are an expense enough!). Which is why when I do see a deal for some clothing on the cheap, I go for it. Here is a perfect example of what I purchased on Amazon a few months back. A simple pack of 3 workout tanks. Moisture wicking and soft, it keeps it shape after washing and so far no snags. The best part...ITS CHEAP! here is the link to get some and a pic of me wearing one of them.